Special Offers
Save money on our most popular dermal filler and anti-wrinkle treatments, with our selection of package deals.
Save money and maintain longer-term benefits, with a GMA skin care deal.
30+ Minutes | £ See below | 18+ only
The Refresh Package: 1ml of any dermal filler (including lips) plus three areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £350
The Volume Package: 2mls of dermal filler plus three areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £450
The Contour Package: 3mls of dermal filler plus three areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £550
The Revitalise Package: 4mls of dermal filler plus three areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £650
​The Platinum Package: 5mls of Vivacy Stylage dermal filler and 3 areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £750
The Works Package: 6mls of dermal filler plus three areas of anti-wrinkle treatment | £850